Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Stars in the night


I love my ministry here at Ste. Marie Madeleine, but I must admit that at times it is extremely challenging. I am so used to my creature comforts and becoming acccustomed to life in rural Haiti is, at times, difficult for me. For instance, last night I was already to take a shower, had prepared myself for the shock of cold water, shampoo and conditioner within reach, turned on the faucet but no water came out of the shower head. Oh, no water again! The lights had already gone off at 7:00PM, leaving us all in darkness illuminated by only a couple of battery lanterns. I had just put new batteries in my lantern so I had plenty of light for my shower...now if I only had water! So, I bathed with the little water I had in a plastic jug, grateful that I had it, took my lantern and went out to sit on the gallery and meditate a while before going to bed. Once outside, I was greeted by the most beautiful sky filled with bright shining stars sparkling on a pitch black background. In the total darkness of the night, and the darkness of my thoughts, there in the sky was a wonderful gift to me: the bright lights against the black sky reminding me that in my darkest night the Light is always with me.

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