Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summer studies

Monday morning.  Marci is off to the airport in Port au Prince and then on to Fort Lauderdale.  Having been here for ten days, she became a part of the children’s daily lives, mine as well.  We’ll all miss her and look forward to her return. 

This morning the summer study program began.  I hired a school teacher to teach three mornings a week.  He will focus on Math, Science, and Language arts.  The mission of Kay Timoun is to help children develop to their highest potential.  On Tuesday and Thursday a local lay leader, Merle, will come here, meet with the children in the chapel and teach Bible and Spirituality.  I have known Merle for five years.  She is the leader of the women’s group, and has been a faithful church leader.  An art teacher will teach here one afternoon a week and on Saturday we’ll have dance lessons.  Sunday afternoon is time to visit family, and then in the evening watch a movie on my laptop.   We watched National Geographic “Great Migrations” and then watched again, and then a third time.  

The children here have opportunities that are unheard of in this small country village, but Kay Timoun is not simply a custodial home.  Children here are encouraged to develop in mind, body, and spirit.  This is no easy undertaking.  The children here are the poorest of the poor.  They have had little or no direction.   Their discipline was a beating.  It took many time-outs for them to understand that they are not allowed to hit or kick one another.  They are so used to not having enough food that they were hiding food in their bed, or tucking a piece of bread into their pocket.  It has been challenging to have the children follow a schedule because they are used to going and coming as they please with no particular time for family meals, no particular bed time.  The younger ones crave attention and are quick to tattle on their peers.  

Summer time is relaxed and slow in Bondeau.  But the kids at Kay Timoun will continue to study, to read, to do math, to learn sewing and embroidery, and do fun things together like games and puzzles. 

You may feel a tug toward giving a child an opportunity to rise above.  If so, you may sponsor one or more children at Kay Timoun for only $50.00 a month per child.  Email me for more information.

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