Sunday, September 21, 2014

Another reflection on poverty

One would think that by this time I'd be used to the poverty that surrounds me and become somewhat "hardened" to it.  But I'm not used to it and who know if I ever will be.  A typical case that I can't get accustomed to seeing...a mother who gives birth to one child after another when she can't afford to feed the ones she has.  I think to myself, "Doesn't she have any sense?  How can she be so unaware?  Doesn't she know that there are ways to prevent having children that you can't afford to feed?"  But then, I think, "I'm not in her situation.  Maybe she wants all these kids to assure that she will be cared for in her old age."  One mother, in particular named Claudette, comes here every day for food for herself and food for her 2 year old twins.  Now she has an infant boy who looks frail and tiny.  She doesn't have enough breast milk for him probably because she is so undernourished herself.  Did I get "hooked" into providing nourishment for him when I bought baby formula and a baby bottle and told her to come every day so the baby could be fed?  What would happen if I didn't take on that responsibility?  Would she and the baby's father step up to their responsibilities as parents?  I don't know the answer to that question.  I do know, however, that I'm caring for her 13 year old who has a brain problem and difficulty learning, probably due to malnourishment as a baby.  I do know, also, that her 2 year old twins were severely undernourished at two months old.  I do know, also, that Claudette just doesn't seem to "get it".  She has left her baby here on a blanket on the floor while she goes off somewhere.  She just doesn't seem to understand parenting the way we do.  But then, she isn't "us".  She is "she"!  Who am I to impose my values on her?  But then, am I responsible for "picking up the slack"?  I couldn't not "pick up the slack".  My question is, "Am I enabling dependency?"  Or am I doing what I am supposed to do as a Christian?  I know the answer for me but I'd like some feedback from anyone who reads this.  Email me

Thanks...I'd like to hear from you.

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